Brain/Bio Medical Microsystems Lab


2018 [Award] Seongyeon Kim won the 3rd place in the Student Paper Competition, IEEE EMBC 2018 / 김성연 석사과정, IEEE EMBC 2018 SPC 3rd place 수상

페이지 정보



작성일 2018-08-16 00:00 조회 978 댓글 0




Seongyeon Kim (M.S. Candidate) was selected as a Geographic Finalist at IEEE EMBC 2018 and won 3rd place in the SPC (Student Paper Competition), where Geographic Finalists and Open Finalists compete.

The IEEE EMBS (Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society) is the world's largest conference in the field of biomedical engineering and selects a total of 15 Geographic Finalists (5 Geographic Finalists, and 10 Open Finalists)


김성연 석사과정(지도교수: 이현주) 학생이 IEEE 산하의 EMBS 학회에서 Geographic Finalist로 선정되었고, Geographic Finalist와 Open Finalist이 경쟁하는 SPC(Student Paper Competition)에서 3등을 수상했습니다.

IEEE EMBS(Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society) 학회는 생명의학공학분야 세계 최대 학회로 Geographic Finalist 5명과 Open Finalist 10명으로 총 15명을 선발하는데 그 중 Geographic Finalist (Asia-Pacific)으로 선정되었습니다.

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