Brain/Bio Medical Microsystems Lab
Turning integrated circuits into ultrasound transducers
C. Oh†, H. J. Lee*, Nature Electronics, News and Views, Accepted,
Highly stretchable 3D microelectrode array for non-invasive functional evaluation of cardiac spheroids and midbrain organoids
K. Kim†, Y. Lee, K. B. Jung, Y. Kim, E. Jang, M.-O. Lee*, M.-Y. Son*, and H. J. Lee*, Advanced Materials, ,2412953
Microfabricated sensors for non-invasive, real-time monitoring of organoids
Y. Kim†, E. C. Chica-Carrillo†, and H. J. Lee*, Micro and Nano Systems Letters, 12(26)
The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Obesity Medicine
D. W. Kim, C.-Y. Park, J.-H. Shin, H. J. Lee, Endocrinology and Metabolism Clinics,
Transcranial focused ultrasound stimulation in the infralimbic cortex facilitates extinction of conditioned fear in rats
J. Lee, Y. Kim, J. Lim, Y. Jo, H. J. Lee*, Y. S. Jo*, and J.-S Choi*, Brain Stimulation, 17(2) ,405-412
An Ultrasound Receiver With Bandwidth-Enhanced Current Conveyor and Element-Level Ultrasound Transmitter for Ultrasound Imaging Systems
G Yun, K. Jeong, H. Choi, S. Nam, C. Oh, and H.J. Lee*, IEEE Solid-State Circuits Letters, vol. 7 ,98-101